
Missiology. - [Wilmore, Ky, etc., American Society of Missiology] 2004 - v. ill. 23 cm. - Quarterly - Oct 2004 - Missiology. Vol.32, No. 4 .

"An international review." Vols. for published for the American Society of Missiology by Sage Publications. Articles:
The missiological perspective: is it Mission or Missions?
Working out the mission theory of Bishop Charles Henry Brent;
Holistic ministry and mission: a call for reconceptualization;
Understanding the nation of Islam: toward a more effective evangelism;
Prophets, Kings, Servants, and lepers: a missiological reading of an ancient drama;
The subversive kingship of Jesus and Christian witness;
Individualist educators in a collectivist society: insights from a cross-cultural model applied to China;

0091-8296 = Missiology: An International Review = Missiology

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