Building bridges of faith and freedom /

Building bridges of faith and freedom / John Graz, general editor ; Carol E. Rasmussen, managing editor. - Silver Spring, MD : Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Dept., General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2005. - 164 p. ; 22 cm.

Feschriften, essays in honor of Bert B. Beach, 2005.

Introduction / John Graz -- Message from the President / Jan Paulsen -- Message from the Secretary / Matthew B. Bediako -- Baptist view of humanism in the third millenium / Denton Lotz -- La Liberte de religion ou de conviction a l'epreuve des faits / Abdelfattah Amor -- Religious freedom in Ecumenical perspective / Walter Kasper -- Bridges between religions / Gunnar Stalsett -- Nos valeurs partagees / Jacques Robert -- Religion in the new constitution for Europe / Rosa Maria Martines de Codes -- Antonment / Sven Oppegaard -- Stranger in your midst / Niels-Erik Andreasen -- 1834 seccession and its aftermath / Reinder Bruinsma -- When tears dry up and forgiveness takes over / Rajmund Dabrowski -- Differentiating believers and beliefs / Johnathan Gallagher -- Seventh-day Adventists and religious freedom / John Graz -- Seventh-day Adventists / William G. Johnson -- King Lear / Andrea T. Luxton -- Bridge builder of our times / Zarchariasz Lyko --How often must we build liberty bridges? / Walter Scragg -- Case for getting involved / Mitchell A. Tyner.

Beach, Bert Beverly, 1928-

Freedom of religion.
Church and state.