
Ministry: Pastoring in a multicultural Setting Ministry: International journal for Pastors - Hagerstown, MD Review and Herald General Conference of Seventh-day Adventsits 1996 - 31p. col ill.; 27 cm - Monthly - May 1996 - Pastoring in a multicultural Setting Vol 69, No.5 00265314 .

The intercultural imperative; a house of worship for all people; A multiethnic church; an intentional decision; The crisis of stress; pastor's kids in and out; But for the grace of God; This church just does not feel like home; Multicultural ministry; Plant a church and reap a harvest; Experiencing the blessed hope now!

00265314 = Ministry eJournal Links.

Seventh-day Adventists--Clergy--Periodicals.

Pastoral theology--Seventh-day Adventists--Periodicals.

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