African-American Worship:

African-American Worship: Its Heritage, Character and Quality - Nampa, Idaho Pacific Press General Conference of Seventh-day Adventsits 2002 - 30p. col ill.; 27 cm - Monthly - September 2002 - African-American Worship: Its Heritage, Character and Quality Vol 74, No.9 00265314 .

African-American Worship: Its Heritage, Character and Quality; Pastoral counseling: The art of referral; The perils of pursuing success; Spiritual leadership or baptized secularism? In the name of God? Pastoral responses to religious terrorism; Conflict can be healthy for a church; a perfect leader does not exist; Pastoral care: The holy spirit and the human spirit;

00265314 = Ministry eJournal Links.

Seventh-day Adventists--Clergy--Periodicals.

Pastoral theology--Seventh-day Adventists--Periodicals.

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